Saturday, November 27, 2010

MIA much?

The blog, how I have missed you! My blogging goals were unceremoniously blown out of the water by a family emergency that took me across the country and away from my children for a week and a half. PURE TORTURE to be separated from my little ones for that long. Once my husband and I returned home, it was a mad dash to get things ready so that I could head 3 hours north to a beautiful place called Carmel, California for 3 days of family shoots and a presentation. It was a great trip. I enjoyed first rate hospitality, and some of the prettiest vistas in all of California, if not the world. Even though it was great I missed my family terribly and I am truly happy to be home with them.

While I was in Florida, I took two opportunities to shoot. It was a much needed break in the stress. A friend had mentioned she wanted some pictures of a "Cane Fire", and my husbands uncle just happens to be a cane farmer so off we went to the farm for a show like no other. A little info- Sugar cane is grown for about a year (in South Florida) at the end of that year its roughly 7-8 feet tall. At harvest time, they set the field on fire. 40 acres of cane burns in a matter of 10 minutes! It is intense. The amazing part is that only the cane they want to burn does, one perfect square at a time.


The second chance to get away, was a shoot with my brother in laws best friend and her family, most importantly her babies!

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