Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Building a better BLOG!

In my effort to complete my goals for the next year in business...I am tackling #1 right away... Be a better blogger. This begins by me actually BLOGGING! My first mini goal is to blog twice a week, about whatever suits my fancy...along with blogging about every shoot. AND being a better blogger to me means having a better BLOG layout...that being said I have a design in my head and am trying to find someone to help me make that design happen, because I am HTML challenged to say the least! Til then...I will probably be trying out new freebie designs (like the current one which I really think is fun! courtesy of Mckenna Dawn Blogs).

Let the blogging begin....

Today was supposed to be filled with cleaning the garage, but was side tracked by an impromptu visit to the vet with Super Buddy Bolt, aka our bullheaded bulldog!  

Vet visits are never very fun....this one started out by me not being about to put Buddy in his carrier because it was out in the rain all night and it is cloth so that went out the window...The Budster got to ride in the front seat, which was ok, except the reason we were going to the vet is that he kept sneezing and shaking his head....I needed a bath after that car ride! Turns out its nothing serious....just a bad allergy season for the K9 members of the family. A few bottles of meds, shampoo, flea treatment, and medicated face wipes (usually hypoallergenic baby wipes work, but he has been digging at the roots of the palm tree out back so he needed some extra soothing special doggy face wipes at $50 a canister!!!)  and we were back in the car on the way home.

I took a little leap of faith, stopped on the way home to meet up with my good friend Hayley and left Buddy to watch the car...for those of you who know bulldogs this was probably not the smartest thing I have ever done, and given my BAD luck with leaving K9 type animals in my car only to find that they have EATEN half the front seat, it was pretty DUMB....BUT much to my surprise he was happily drooling in the passenger seat of the car when I got back in (thank goodness for leather seats),  GOOD DOG BUDDY he gets extra treats!!! 

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