I am sure at some point I may have mentioned that I was going to be shooting a calendar....Well I started today. We got 4 months down, and will shoot the rest next week. But as I was sharing pictures with friends it hit me, this will be my first "published" work. A WHOLE calendar of my work! How friggin cool is that????
Today was also a day for reflection on how far I have come in a year. I launched Serendipity Pixx on October 26th, 2009. So in 10 days it will be my 1 year of business anniversary. In this year I have done so many things I never even thought of. Like shooting not 1 but 3 weddings. NEVER EVER did I think I would be a shooting weddings....and here I already have 3 booked out for next year! Who'd of thunk I could build a website??? With the help of a super cool computer program thingy I did! (and it rocks).
My business has grown because I have amazing friends who tell everyone they meet (ok not every one, but sure seems like it) about my and my work. Also because I have a super great husband who believes in me and takes care of the kidlets on his days off so I can shoot (lets not forget the super great kidlets who behave them selves when Mommy has to take them to shoots on occasion). Credit must be given to those who kick me in the tuckus when I need it,
Megan that would be you, if it weren't for you mad obsession with the blogosphere I would have never found half the great info that is out there, or my new hero
Jasmine Star seriously genius, or
So for the next year in business my goals are...
1) be a better blogger.....no one reads lame blogs!
2) advertise a little somewhere...somehow...get my name out there!
3) give back whenever possible
4) be thankful everyday for the super cool and supportive friends and family I have (and not whine about stupid stuff!)
5) make my bed every day :) silly I know but hey it could make me a better person.
AND finally to thank all you crazy people who just read that novel....a couple pics from the calendar shoot....